Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Review Analysis

The review begins with a small paragraph explaining the plot of the film. This should likely stay short so that I don't stray off the point. The plotline explanation isn't too detailed, but detailed enough to explain what's going on. The review itself is then kept short to likely avoid putting people off. The review begins by explaining what currently is happening during the film, before explaining why it is or is not entertaining or in-keeping with the genre.

The review goes into what sections fit the genre and how/if they are effective in their goals, before at the end reaching a Verdict (a short sentence concluding the review). The verdict is only one to two sentences long and sums up the review as a whole, I shall use this technique in my own review. There is also a rating out of 5, this film has only been given 3/5 stars, the reasoning is explained in the review.

Technologies for Editing

Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
For the main editing, I used Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. The software allows me to use arange of different cuts, fades and transitions for my movie. I also used it to create the split screen for me and Benjy during the wedding sequence.

I also used Adobe Flash 8, this is a 2D animation software. I used this for the ending credits, this was a way to get them manually moving upward at my chosen speed.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Facebook Feedback

Me and Benjy turned to Facebook to get opinions of our latest draft of the film, here is the reaction from the comments.

These people are all from our target audience of 15-18 year olds in school, and it seems we have met our target in terms of comedy and audience.

Selected images from the photo shoot

We have selected the few images we will be working will for our Promotional Poster.
 The issue with this image is that it doesn't show Poppy, and also creates the image that my character is going agreeing with Benjy's games.
 This image works as it conveys the idea that Benjy is being push and forcing Callum into doing things he doesn't want to do.
 This image shows that Benjy is currently in control, somewhat like a puppet master.
This image displays my character's worry about what Benjy's absurd ideas and works very well with the narrative.

More Feedback From Miss Stone

  • Look into creating voice-over commentary for part of our evaluation.
  • Analyse a review before creating my own.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feedback from Miss Stone

  • Finish poster
  • Get Benjy to produce a film review from a magazine which would be my target readership. (for example: Timeout or Empire)
  • Annotate the layout and structure of a review, focusing on the vocabulary used, where the image is places, institutional information, how the film is reviewed itself. Mirror an existing review in my own production.
  • Annotated review from time out and one from Empire.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Photo Shoot Set-Up

This is the set up we had put together for our Photo Shoot. We are using two 500w Lights, along with a control panel to adjust the brightness and contrast. The lights were used to add some clarity to the shot, as the images with grainy and noisy without the use of lighting.

Here is the lighting when it's been switched on, as you can see it is extremely bright. Unfortunately one of the lights was slightly more yellow as opposed to the white light on the foreground. However it did not affect the majority of our shots. At this point we begun thinking these lights may not be strong enough.

So we attempted to use the Camera flash alongside these lights. Here is what happened, unfortunately it had become too bright and it is difficult to see what the image is of.

After some experimenting, we had come up with the best lighting configuration, we turned the lights to approximately 3/4 of the available strength, and didn't use the camera flash.