Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happily Ever After - Script

First we see a medium-close-up to the right of two guys sitting at a desk in a classroom writing. The sounds of a teacher talking can be heard. Callum looks up and stares off to the right. Cuts to a medium shot behind a girl working hard. Cuts back to the two guys. Benjy speaks.
Benjy: You like her don't you.
Callum: Yeah.
Benjy: Are you gonna talk to her?
Callum: maybe. I don't know how I would though..
Benjy: what you need (looks at camera, cuts to close up) is a plan (winks)

Dark room. Just Benjy, Callum and a white board can be seen. The rest is black.

Benjy: Ok. This is our plan. First...(montage)
Callum: (stands up) Let's do this.

Benjy rubbing callums shoulders
Benjy: Do you feel ready?
Callum: (nods)
Benjy: remember you ask 'How do you like your eggs?' Then you say 'Fertilised'
Callum: Hey would you like some fertilised eggs?

cuts to callum rubbing his face with a slap mark on it.

Benjy: ok...plan B
Cuts to callum
callum: my friend and I bet you wouldn't take off your shirt in public.
Cuts back to Benjy and Callum

Benjy: well at least you didn't get slapped.
Callum: (lifts up a bag of ice) not there!
Benjy: oh OH!!!!
Callum: fuck this
Benjy: ok. This one is bound to work! (hands callum a piece of paper with 'I put the STD in Stud and all I need is U' on it)
Callum: No. No way in hell! Im just gonna talk to her!

Callum approaches the girl

Callum: Hi. I'm sorry for being weird. Do you maybe want to go out with me sometime?
Girl: yeah, I'd like that.
In the restaurant

Callum: see this is nice. We're having a great time. No crazy schemes.
Girl: Yeah I'm having a lovely evening.
Callum: I'm glad to hear it. I just have to use the bathroom.

Cuts to Callum washing his hands. As he looks up Benjy is seen in the mirror.

Benjy: Callum!
Callum: (panicked) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OUT!
Benjy: I have a plan!
Callum: no! It's going great! Don't do anything!
Benjy: Trust me! Just wait until the bill arrives!
Callum: No! Benj... (benjy is gone)..benjy!?
Girl: that was an amazing meal. We should probably get the bill.
Callum: NO! I mean... theres so much I still don't know about you. What's your favourite colour?
Girl: haha what? CHEQUE PLEASE!

Benjy arrives.

Benjy: Callum asked me to read this
Callum: no I didn't!
Benjy: this past three our date has been incredible. Would you do me the honour of marrying me -signed Callum
Callum: That's not my signature! I never asked....
Girl: YES!

Cuts to wedding. Callum looks scared. Benjy looks pleased.
Benjy: When Callum first asked me to be his best ma...

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